Insulin deficiencies, otherwise known as Type 1 (juvenile diabetes) and Type II (maturity onset diabetes) is the cause for great concern. In this article I will explain the differences in these two types of insulin deficiencies and what new developments are on the horizon to correct. Basically, I will reveal the results of ongoing research, in efforts to control the diabetes, and discuss them in detail.
Type I diabetes
Usually occurs in young people, and as late as earlyAdulthood. It applies an autoimmune disorder, and sometimes a genetic origin. It is when the pancreas no longer functional islet cells, and therefore does not secrete the hormone insulin. This is dangerous and can be treated by injectable insulin only with the administration. Vigilant monitoring of blood glucose levels and administering insulin in a timely manner are of utmost importance.
There are many famous people who have Type I diabetes.Diabetes does not discriminate. The overall effect of the disease process occurs behind the scenes, in the body organs and blood vessels when blood sugar is not well managed, can manifest themselves as:
o Peripheral vascular disease
o heart disease
o foot ulcers / gangrene
o Blindness
o renal failure
o High Blood Pressure
It was stated in the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (2006)
"... During an insulin leadsDiabetic live, it is not curing the disease, even to prevent its eventual and devastating effects, including kidney failure, blindness, nerve damage, amputations, heart attack and stroke. "
Currently, a method introduced in the June 2000 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, "... researchers at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, have continued to use and refine a procedure called Edmonton protocol to transplant pancreatic islets ( beta cells) in selectedPatients with type 1 diabetes, which is difficult to control. The 5-year follow-up study islands demonstrated that a small percentage of blood sugar control was normal, and the rest were in a decreased need supplementary insulin to better control overall compared to the non receipt of the pancreas. "
With advancing technology, stem cell research forward, we are on the state of the refining process, that following this line of thinking, replacing missing and dysfunctional islet cells withStem cells, or at least make islet cells from stem cells and then transplanting them into diabetic.
The disadvantage of a transplant is to take the need for immunosuppressive drugs for the rest of the life of the person or your transplanted cells will be rejected. You need to prevent the immunosuppressive drugs, the immune system from attacking the transplanted cells for the life of the graft.
There are many problems that can develop from long-term useImmunosuppressants. As the immune system detects viruses, bacteria, tissues and foreign invaders of the body, reduce the medication, the immune system function so that the transplanted cells are not rejected.
Long-term use of these drugs can also cause cancer and other diseases associated with immunosuppression. Top with all your doctor visits and screening tests done as ordered by your physician should contact your provider to alert any abnormal growths or diseaseProcesses that can occur early enough to treat it. Over time, technological advances and further, there is the possibility that transplantable stem cells from their own matching are performed with a combination method in the laboratory.
As stated in the JDRF:
"... The researchers investigate alternative methods for producing cells (embryonic stem cells). A technique by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), sometimes also referred to as therapeutic cloning. ScientistsRemove the nucleus of an unfertilised egg and replaced it with the nucleus of an adult cell. After the egg stimulated to divide, the researchers can draw new embryonic stem cell lines that are genetically identical to the patient. Although there has been success with this process in animal cells has not yet produced human SCNT ES cells. "
Type II Diabetes
Commonly referred to as adult onset diabetes. Occurring as we get older, and especially the developing countries as a side effectPhysical inactivity, obesity, with mixed and / or a family history of diabetes. It is the most common form of insulin defiency. Either the body is not enough to make the hormone insulin or the body does not properly use the insulin if it produce some of the hormone. Why then your body develops very high blood sugar and your cells are undernourished.
The symptoms of high blood sugar are:
o tremor
o sweatyFeeling
o dizziness
o palpitations
o Symptoms of panic attack
These are the same symptoms as Type I diabetes, if they were not in good control of their diabetes. Long-term, is both to develop the type I and type II disease, destruction of nerves (peripheral neuropathy), blurred vision, possible blindness, kidney disease (due to the vascular effects) and hypertension (for the same reasons), the possible need for amputation of the lower limbs,poor blood flow can occur if diabetes is controlled both cases, in poorly
Some people can make their Type II diabetes with diet and exercise and sometimes oral glycemics (medications, the use of insulin that your body produces or help stimulate the production of this hormone.) There are a variety of different glycemic drugs such as metformin (Glucophage), glyburide, and sometimes injectable insulin in type 2 diabetes, which are required high resistant. Your doctor can take oral glycemics daily with multiple insulin injections. You want to work with your primary provider to learn what the best approach to be specific in your case.
Diabetes is unique because no two people are exactly alike, and so their treatment can not be exactly the same. A person with Type I or Type II diabetes can, and live very long and productive life as long as they keep their blood> Sugar well controlled and not subject to its organs and blood vessels to large fluctuations of the high and low blood sugar causes the malnutrition leads to damage endothelial cells, arthrosclerosis (plaque formation on the walls of the arteries).
As you can see, science is making great progress in finding cures and treatments to improve the improve the health of the body, and make these devastating conditions a thing of the past. Chronic diseasesongoing, but less of a death sentence that they have been for a person with diabetes.
In collaboration with your GP, and keep your weight in a reasonable range, and a healthy diet and good exercise plans, how to work with you doctor to arrange which drugs, whether and what kind of diet and exercise, the best It is once again is that each individual. There is no "one size fits all."
Posted by: Pamela Eliowitz