Sugar, honey, sweetie-pie. This nickname reflects the desirability of sweet taste. Sugar is surprisingly prevalent in dishes you may least suspect: for example, soups, sausages, salad dressings and sauces. A tablespoon of regular ketchup contains a teaspoon of sugar. Hoisin sauce, which you often see in Chinese cuisine, as much sugar, if not more. A can of soda contains several tablespoons of sugar. Low calorie foodscontain large amounts of fast-acting carbohydrates or alternative sweeteners such as aspartame (which is linked to cancer).
If you are surrounded by sugar, as can be possibly suffering from low blood sugar? That's exactly the point, and is the reason that make the understanding of hypoglycaemia difficult. It's all so load of sugar, keep a constant level of blood sugar, it has become difficult. When someone suffersof low blood sugar levels, the general advice given by a lay person could to sugary things in your diet to take. That is wrong. It does not mean that he / she should not eat sugar. This statement may be at first seem a contradiction. The paradox is that the more sugar you eat, the less sugar you have in your blood.
Your body can easily be refined by the blood it needs carbohydrates, protein function, and fats.The truth is that even if you do not eat any refined sugar, or glucose, you are still a lot of blood sugar, as long as your body works.
Keep in mind that refined carbohydrates are bad, but not refined carbohydrates are in order (it should be invoked even in moderate amounts).